R. F. DeAngelis

“The First Law, The Law of the Stone; There is a circle of five stones, within this circle is a sixth stone at its center. At any time, anyone that has any grievance, they may place their hand on the sixth stone and call for a hearing. The highest representative from each race within the range of the Call will hear it and must come to hear that grievance and will listen and judge justly. They will treat the individual as an equal to them in rank, no matter the rank of the petitioner. No harm is ever to come to the petitioner who has laid hand on the sixth stone. No social rank nor class nor age is to ever be denied.”
The Law of the Hunt; The Hunting of thinking beings for the betterment of them and you is a sacred task and shall not be made cheap. The Prey shall be taken alive, you can’t learn from the dead. The Prey should be treated with respect, for one day you may be hunted. The Prey may be hunting you, for you are no better than they. And they may wish to learn from you.
The Law of Slavery; to masters; it is a privilege to own a slave, and they are your most prized prosecution. Feed them before you eat. Clothe them before you clothe yourself, See to your needs after you see to theirs, Teach them your way and learn from theirs; mistreat them at your peril. For Slaves; Serve your masters in all things and trust they will care for you. Learn from your master. Teach your master. Ease the life of your master. Together; No slave shale be a slave for more than seven years. Slaves are to be paid and may buy their freedom early. A slave shall have a signal that temporally suspends slavehood so the two can be equals and converse as needed. Masters may discharge slaves at any time, for any reason but may not take new slaves until one year has passed. Slaves wishing to serve more than seven years may do so, but they shall be offered their freedom again in seven years. Do Not Neglect your family for your slaves.
The Law of Self; No one is inferior to any other being by birth. Rank is an example of training and opportunity. Each person has their own strengths and weaknesses. All are not created equal. Each has their own value and worth. However, a person’s life and death decide that, not their birth. Never interfere with a beings right to choose or to say no. Only protect yourself from having it done to you.
The Cycle of Barbarism; People, become tribes. Tribes become villages. Villages become towns. Towns become cities. Cities become kingdoms. Kingdoms become complacent. They fall and scatter. Those people become tribes. Be good to the Barbarian at your door, you were them once, and will be them again.